Make and Play! [MESH™ Wakuwaku Workshop] Use Sony’s Programming Block [MESH] and Create!<Venue: Sony ExploraScience>

  • 2018-02-07 ~ 2018-03-02

MESH is a programming block that interfaces with applications. We proudly present a workshop event to showcase the many features of MESH.

MESH was born from Sony’s New Business Programme, and is is designed to be accessible to anyone and everyone as a tool for creating digital applications. Thanks to the way in which MESH can be linked and combined it is easy to create new applications within the Internet of Things ecosystem, even without detailed programming knowledge.

At The MESH Wakuwaku Workshop participants can choose one project from three different menus – and by combining motion sensors, buttons and lights, and using MESH to integrate the different components, create a brand new device.

We look forward to your visit!

Dates: Wednesday February 7th – Friday March 2nd 2018

Times: Weekdays 14:00– 15:00

Venue: Sony ExploraScience (SES Studio)

For: Elementary school 3rd grade pupils and above (Parents and guardians are welcome to join regardless of age)

Admission: Free of charge

Capacity: 10 per session

For more detailed information, please visit the organizer's website.

Event Information

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • 東京臨海 動画ギャラリー
  • FREE Wifi