Scientist Talk: Searching for a Second Earth, The Foremost Exoplanet Probe<Venue: Miraikan>
- 2018-01-13 ~ 2018-01-13

The solar system that includes our planet is just one of many such systems in the Milky Way.
For a great many years, the questions of whether other planets orbited around distant stars, or whether life-supporting planets exist elsewhere in the universe, went unanswered. We could but imagine the existence of such things. However, in recent years, along with the development of observational technology, countless new exoplanets have been discovered.
Date: Saturday January 13th 2018
Time: 14:30–15:30
Venue: Miraikan, 5F, Small Studio
For: Elementary grade 4 students and above
Capacity: Approx. 40
For more details, please visit the organizer’s website.
Period2018-01-13 ~ 2018-01-13