12th Senkan Ferry Lecture [March 17 2018]<Venue: Museum of Maritime Science>

  • 2018-03-17 ~ 2018-03-17

A quarter of a century has passed since the last voyage of the Seikan Ferry. With the loss of documents and records from the period, as well as the ageing of those connected with the service, the memory of the railroad ferry that connected Aomori with Hakodate, Hokkaido is gradually fading. This lecture is an opportunity to introduce this historical ferry service and offer information and knowledge, with the intention of contributing towards the spread of ideas about maritime affairs.

Lecture, performance, and exhibition details:


・Regular lecture: Senkan Ferry Talk 12th with former Senkan Captain, Koji Nishizawa

・Special lecture: The internal machinery of the Senkan Ferry with former Senkan Chief Engineer, Tsuneo Watanabe


・Decorative blanket performance with former Senkan Officer, Takashi Yoshida

Special Exhibition:

・30 years of the Senkan Ferry with former Senkan Officers, Takashi Yoshida, and Takashi Okami

Date: Saturday March 17 2018

Time: 13:30–16:00

Venue: Museum of Maritime Science, Main Building, 1F Lobby

For more details please visit the organizer’s website.


Event Information

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • 東京臨海 動画ギャラリー
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