Sunday November 11: Making a Kite and hand-on experience Kite Flying<Venue: Sea Breeze Park (Shiokaze)>
- 2018-11-11 ~ 2018-11-11

Kite Flying once was playing everywhere around the world from the ancient time. Even in Japan, we were playing kite flying in the new year season. But nowadays the playground to play kite flying is decreasing so there are many people who don't have a chance to get familiar with this kind of playing.
In this event, you can make your own kite by using the easy assembly kits and fly your original kite on the playground. You can enjoy with your family or friends. Everyone is welcome to have fun at this event.
Event Details:
(1)Hands-on experience in making a kite and flying kite.
Let's make our original kite by drawing and coloring the picture on it.
Then let's fly it on "Sun Square" playground.
(2)Hands-on experience in Sports Kite Performance
The demonstration show of Sports Kite by "TEAM air-rex"; the winner of the Y2008 World Championship. The beginner can join this activity.
(3)3D Kite Demonstration Show
Please have a look at a huge kite flying in the sky! Don't miss it!!
Date: Sunday November 11th, 2018
The event will be cancelled only in case of heavy rain.
Time:10:00 - 16:00
Venue: Sun Square; Sea Breeze Park (Shiokaze)
For more details, please visit the organizer's website.
Period2018-11-11 ~ 2018-11-11
LocationMetropolitan Shiokaze Park