If you continue folding a piece of paper in the right way, you end up with a strange six-sided sheet.
If you flip over the sheet you’ve just made— ah, how strange, the color is different to what you expected. Flip it over again, and the color has changed yet again…
This magic trick uses what is known as a Moebius Strip.
Surprise your friends and family with this great magic trick.
Create a magic trick filled with hidden colors.
Dates: Saturday December 16th, Sunday December 17th 2017
1st session: 11:00–12:00
2nd session: 14:00–15:00
Venue: Panasonic Center Tokyo, Studio A
Capacity: 100
For: Elementary 3rd grade pupils and above
*Materials will be provided to participants individually
*Participants are welcome to take home their workshop projects
*Please be aware that in the case of late arrival, children may be unable to participate
Admission: Free (Advance registration necessary)
For more details please visit the organizer's website.
Period2017-12-16 ~ 2017-12-17