Tokyo Rinkai Tulip Festival 2018<Venue: Symbol Promenade Park>

  • 2018-03-31 ~ 2018-03-31

From the middle of March to mid-April, the Symbol Promenade Park will be home to over 20000 tulips in full bloom (double last year’s amount).

This year’s highlight: the beautiful, harmonious flower beds in the the central plaza, are not to be missed. The plantings in the central plaza are a first for this year, but as ever, the cherry blossoms will be at their peak – and are sure to combine to create a wonderful atmosphere.

This year we have on display over 400 varieties of tulip for you to enjoy in our special model garden.

During the event, which takes place on March 31st, we will be handing out complimentary cut tulips from Tonami, in Fukuyama Prefecture, as well as offering a stamp rally that takes in all the flower beds. There will be plenty of tulip-related goings-on!

We look forward to your visit to Japan’s largest tulip festival, here in the Rinkai area.

And a reminder: we will be giving out a free Tonami tulips to guests who visit the park. For your chance to get one, check the timings below.

Times for tulip giveaway: 10:30–, 11:30–, 13:30–, 14:30–

(100 tulips available per giveaway: 1 tulip per person)


Main sponsor: Rinkai ‘Greenery and Flowers’ Executive Committee


Tokyo Waterfront Community Development Association

Rinkai Holdings, Tokyo Teleport Center, Yurikamome, Tokyo Port Terminal Corporation

Joint sponsors: Tonami, Fukuyama, Fukuyama Plant and Bulb Agricultural Cooperative

With support from: Tokyo Port Terminal Office

Event Information
  • Period
    2018-03-31 ~ 2018-03-31
  • Location
    Symbol Promenade Park

Places to See in the Area

  • MAP(PDF)
  • 臨海副都心エリアのメタTourismマップ
  • 東京臨海 動画ギャラリー
  • FREE Wifi